Here's a simple textiles D.I.Y for you to try at home! It's very sweet and adds a little Kitsch touch to any plain bed cover!
What you will need:
❤ Pillow Cases
❤ Pom Pom Garland
❤ Needle & Thread
❤ A Sewing Machine
Step One:
Choose your Pillow cases & Garland.
I purchased by Bed covers from Tesco, But they are no longer available! However I found this cute monochrome Zig-Zag/Stripe Bedding in Wilkinson's Available here.
Alternatively, There's also a Monochrome Dog-tooth Version, here.
I purchased my Pom Pom Garland from Hobbycraft where it's £2.00 per meter. It's available to buy online from their website in lots of colors here.
I got Three Meters and had some spare from this D.I.Y :-)
Step Two:
Pin your Pom Pom Garland along the seams of your pillow case, taking care to observe the way it hangs, if you want your pom poms to stand out you need to attach them so that when the pillow is turned the opposite way they stick out!
So sew the the opposite way to the way up!
Don't forget to choose a thread color that blends in.
Make sure you keep the fabric and the Garland taught so they sew straight, you don't want to be left with parts that are loose or the Garland will catch easily!
Make your way all around the pillow case leaving the opening, Once your pillows are lined up the Pom Poms will meet in the middle anyway!
That's Virtually it!
Step Three:
Fill your pillow cases with pillows and enjoy!!
They are so sweet and make any bed a little funky! Use clashing colors to get a really Kitsch look!
Why not add pom poms to throw pillows too? Or Lampshades! I just love how crazy and cute they look! That's all for now, Hope you give this one a try!
Love Love
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