Wednesday 27 January 2016

| 2015 |


This post is late, but if I get it up before February it still counts! 
There is so much I could write about last year that I could probably author a novel or two, but I'll keep this short and sweet so we can get back to the fun stuff like outfits & photo posts!

2015 was the year I met so many awesome people and went to so many brilliant places. I got a spontaneous tattoo, went to a festival and got wicked sunburn, visited Comic-con, had a bloggers photo shoot, Launched and sold out my own clothing brand, gave university a go & turned 20.
I left my job at Primark (Praise jeebus!) & Spent the last few weeks of the year working in a Barber Shop with the Two funniest guys ever!

It doesn't sound like much achievement, but for the last two years I had been very much introverted. I rarely went out and was cautious in new situations. I feel as though I've come out of the other end of the year with a good footing of where I want to be heading. 

God, pour maple sauce all over this blogpost because I'm wafflin'.

So it's a new year lets get cracking.

love love