To celebrate International Womens Day (Sunday 8th March) I thought i'd have a go at #DearMe. I didn't have time to make a video In time for sunday so I thought a little letter to myself would be nice.
Dear Josie,
I wouldn't know how to start a letter to myself, but you'd be pleased to know we get B's in both of our english GCSE's.
I'm nearing the end of my Teenage years now and looking back on it they haven't been too bad. I have you to thank for my extensive taste in all music, thank you for not listening to what was on Kiss 100.
I finally got a record player last week and my first record was Blondie's Parallel Lines album. Remember when Atomic played in the car on the way back from our last day of school? I'll never forget it.
More thanks are to be given, It's because of you pushing the fashion front that I even have a Vintage blog now. You weren't afraid to wear vintage sunglasses or geek glasses when your friends called them ugly, and Mummy's Biba belt & Handmade clothes from her teens in the 70's became your favourite pieces to this day!
School was pretty good and I know I hated it quite a bit at times, but you'll look back on it now with Aaliyah and Hannah - Aaliyah and Hannah are your Best Friends still & You're even an Aunt to Hannahs Baba Scarlett - and recall them as some of your best years yet.
Although It was tough, to deal with people who treated you unfairly because they didn't understand your humour or your way of thinking. Who excluded you from outings and made you feel really alone, who did really evil and horrid things to you.
It may of been the end of everything then but they're nothing now, trust me. Dust it off and carry on with that crazy spirit they all dislike! The years have passed now and you won't even look at each other twice in the street.
However there will always be that one friend you wish you hadn't lost, The oldest of old friends who will always have a special little door in your Tiny Girl heart. In primary school you banged your head on a wall until she stopped crying and started laughing. True Frondz.
She wanted to do other things with different people and wouldn't believe you when you tried to tell them different. You made sure not to cause a fuss but to just let her get on with it, Maybe you'll talk again, maybe you wont. But she'll always have that place, You know?
Remember in 2010 when you fell out with your Big Sister and didn't speak to each other for a full year even though you shared a room? You're the best of friends now and you are really proud of her instead of envious. She's a wonderful sister and she'll move out before you realise it, so don't be so hard on her I bet you're a really annoying little sister to deal with. Sorry Chloe, I didnt mean to constantly steal your ugg boots or wear your make-up. I wanted to be just like you and still do.
Talking of envious, You remained the infamous Josie Grossie & had Never Been Kissed until you were 15. You were picked on by the boys in Year 7/8/9 for being 'Frigid' and my personal favourite a 'Skinny Snowman' until in year 9 You turned around and gave them the U WOT M8? It upset you I know, but it reallyyyyyyy wasn't the end of the world. You'll kiss a boy eventually, and *shudders* it'll be gross!
A certain boy will break your teeny weeny Girl Heart and it will feel like the end of the world. You'll go a bit cray cray Steer clear from throwing loveheart sweets at his front door though... you might not live that one down.. haha.
You got quite sick after that from Anxiety & Depression and Papa Steve will sit on the hallway floor with you while you cry your heart out.
It taught future you to be super strong so don't be ashamed to say you had a weak moment, It's easier to not let things get to you now. After all of that poop the 'Fuck it!' stage began, My favourite time.
You'll of met Stevie by now, She will be your partner in crime and will have many a Drunken/Hyperactive night with you. You love her. You'll have infamous private jokes, Even if she STILL doesn't know who Charlie is?
I've written quite a lot now but there's still a few things left that i'd like to say.
You're a very smart, funny, unique person. You give your best to everyone and expect nothing back. You always smile, laugh and look for the best in things. Never stop. Never stop making people laugh and smile or looking for the best in things.
To this day your mantra is still about making people smile, even if they're laughing at you opposed to with you.
Never grow up. Never ever. It's a bit crap, I don't even have a passport yet! But never lose that attitude of being young. Don't lose sight in things that aren't important like if a boy fancies you or a friend suddenly doesn't like you.
The people who love you will love you for you and your crazy personality, the inability to pull a nice face for photos, appetite and excellent Christopher Walken impressions and those who don't like you for any of those things don't matter!
You will be able to eventually call yourself a FABULOUS BOSS. ASS. BITCH.
All in all, Don't apologise to anyone, don't you dare. You are are you and if there's any mistake I can pinpoint from all my years looking back it's that I apologised too much for things that didn't matter. I will not take my hair out of a middle parting because I like it that way, I won't tone down my personality because I was born this way. Don't like it? Am I too much? SORRY NOT SORRY. *clicks a-z*
You're awesome, Now play your Florence and The Machine Lungs album on full blast at your 14th Birthday party even when your 'friend' tries to turn it off, HATERS ARE POTATERS.
Love you Mojo Jojo